The SMstudy® Certified Email Marketing Professional course is tailored to marketing specialists or enthusiasts wanting to understand how to use email as a marketing tool. Despite the growth of numerous online marketing channels, email marketing has remained one of the most effective channels for direct marketing to individual consumers and businesses. This course provides a comprehensive knowledge of the intricacies of email marketing. Certified Professionals understand the Do’s and Don’ts of emailing to a variety of target segments.
Successful candidates will be awarded the SMstudy® Certified Email Marketing Professional certification by SMstudy® after passing the exam.
Examination Format
- Multiple choice
- 80 questions
- No negative marks for incorrect answers
- 90-minute duration
- Proctored online exam
Course Content
- SEO Basics: Introduction to Search Engine, Search Engine working, Traffic , SEO Copywriting, Search Engine Rank, On-page & Off-page SEO.
- Tactics and Methods:White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO or Spamdexing.Website domain, Design & Layout, Relevant Filenames.
- Optimized Keywords: Keyword Frequency, Keyword Weight, Keyword Proximity, Keyword Prominence, Keyword Placement, Keyword Selection, Word Stemming.
- Optimized Metatags: Metatags, Meta Description Tag, Meta Keywords Tag, Robots Metatag. Title Optimization, Anchor Optimization, Content Writing
- Verifying Website, Hiring SEO Expert, Link Building, Mobile SEO, Miscellaneous Techniques
Audience Profile
This certification is appropriate for anyone interested in becoming a SEO Professional.
There is no formal prerequisite for this certification. However, it is mandatory to complete the SMstudy® Certified Digital Marketing Professional Certification and study all processes from Chapter 7 in the SMstudy® Guide – Digital Marketing book before applying for the SMstudy® Certified SEO Professional exam. All required resources are provided as part of the online certification course.